Product Description
Helleborus 'Rome in Red' (20)ct Flat
Common Name: Lenten Rose
You’ve enjoyed the double-flowered Hellebores of the Wedding Party series, try the equally lovely single-flowered selections of the HONEYMOON® Series from Walters Gardens, Inc. hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large numbers of blossoms per plant, and rich flower colors.
Helleborus 'Rome in Red' bears 3-4”, single rich maroon to wine red flowers.
Hellebores are the harbingers of spring, blooming for six weeks or more beginning in late winter. They are often flowering during the Christian season of Lent, from which they get their common name, Lenten Rose. This is the perfect plant for naturalizing in moist, woodland areas where its extensive root system will spread as far as it is allowed.
Hellebores are enjoyable to grow because they are low-maintenance and disease/pest-free. Simply trim back last year's foliage in the spring. They can adapt to almost any growing conditions. Though they prefer rich, moist, organic soil, they will also grow in sandy or clay soil. They can even tolerate short periods of drought. The soil pH can range anywhere from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.
Hellebores are shade plants that need to be protected from the hot afternoon sun. They will grow in full shade under large deciduous trees as long as they receive full sun from winter to spring before the trees get their leaves.
To increase the number of hellebores in your garden, mulch them heavily in the fall. The new seedlings will grow in this mulch come spring and can then be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.
WARNING: Hellebores are poisonous. Do not consume any part of the plant!
Height: 18-24 Inches, Spread: 18-24 Inches
Flower Color: Red Shades, Foliage Color: Green shades, Evergreen (in some or all zones)
Hardiness Zone: 4 - 9
Part shade to Full shade
Blooms Early Spring - Mid-spring
Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is a hybrid Lenten rose that belongs to the Honeymoon Series, a group of hellebores known for their single-flowered selections in a variety of colors, Developed by Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens , this variety features huge, single, rich maroon to wine-red flowers, 3–4 inches across, It blooms heavily in early to mid-spring, with the nodding flowers rising on sturdy stems and contrasting well with the glossy, dark green, evergreen foliage, This makes it a showy and long-lasting plant that provides year-round interest,
Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is a bushy, clump-forming perennial that typically grows to 12–15 inches tall and can reach up to 2 feet in maturity, It is hardy in zones 4–9, This interspecific hybrid has evergreen, dark green leaves that are divided into glossy, leathery, deeply lobed, often-toothed, lanceolate to elliptic segments, The flowers are single and cup-shaped, with five showy, usually overlapping petals (technically sepals), They are 3–4 inches in diameter, 'Rome in Red' features deep maroon-red blooms and is salt tolerant, All parts of the plant are toxic to humans and pets if ingested,
Varieties of Helleborus Plants There are about 15 species of Helleborus plants, which are native to the British Isles and east through Europe to Asia Minor, with one outlying species in China, They are generally classified into two groups: stemmed (caulescent) and stemless (acaulescent), The stemmed species produce clumps of numerous rather tall stems, each carrying several evergreen leaves, The stemless species all have individual leaves and flower stems arising directly from the ground, Some of the most popular Helleborus species include:
- Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican Helleborus)
- Helleborus foetidus (Stinking Helleborus)
- Helleborus niger (Christmas Rose)
- Helleborus orientalis (Lenten rose)
Care Requirements Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is easy to grow and maintain. Here is a detailed guide to its care:
- Planting 'Rome in Red' thrives in organically rich, fertile, humusy, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade, It prefers light to moderate shade and neutral to alkaline soil with a pH range of 7.0 to 8.0, Space plants 18–24 inches apart, Although the foliage is evergreen, it may become scorched and tattered in extremely harsh winters, particularly if not sited in locations protected from cold winter winds and/or insulated by snow cover,
- Watering Water the plant regularly, especially during the growing season, to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Once established, it has some drought tolerance,
- Fertilizing Fertilize in early spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.
- Pruning To encourage new foliage growth and maintain a neat appearance, remove faded flower stems after the blooms have withered, Cut back the foliage in late fall or early winter to allow for easier enjoyment of the flowers and to rejuvenate the foliage on a yearly basis,
- Division Division is not generally needed or recommended, but can be done in early spring if desired, To divide the plant, carefully dig it up and separate the rhizomes, ensuring each division has a good root system and several growth points. Replant the divisions at the same depth as the original plant.
- Pests and Diseases Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is generally pest and disease-free. However, keep an eye out for aphids, snails, hellebore leaf spot, and hellebore black death, Treat any infestations promptly with appropriate organic or chemical controls.
- Winter Care In colder climates, protect the plant from harsh winter conditions by mulching around the base with a layer of organic matter, such as shredded leaves or bark. This will help to insulate the roots and prevent frost heave.
- Seed Starting Hybrid hellebores are often grown from seed, but plants will take two years to bloom when grown from seed, Only 10–15% of seedlings are expected to flower the following season,
Growth Habits Helleborus 'Rome in Red' grows in a bushy, upright clump, up to 18–24 inches tall and wide, It is a vigorous grower that produces numerous single wine-red flowers in early spring, Mature specimens have 40–60 blooms per plant, It has a long bloom time of up to 6 weeks, It is an excellent choice for naturalizing in a moist wooded location, This versatile plant can be used in shady borders, containers, under trees or large shrubs, woodland gardens, cottage gardens, mass planting, rock/alpine gardens, border edging, and naturalizing, Under ideal conditions, it can be expected to live for approximately 5 years,
Companion Plants While specific companion plants for Helleborus 'Rome in Red' are not explicitly mentioned in the research, we can suggest some suitable options based on its growing conditions. Since 'Rome in Red' thrives in shade and prefers moist, well-drained soil , consider pairing it with other shade-loving perennials such as:
- Hostas: These come in a wide variety of colors and textures, and their foliage complements the dark green leaves of 'Rome in Red'.
- Ferns: These add a delicate touch to the shade garden and provide contrasting textures.
- Pulmonaria (Lungwort): These early bloomers offer vibrant colors in shades of pink, blue, and purple.
- Heuchera (Coral Bells): These foliage plants come in a wide range of colors, adding interest to the garden even when 'Rome in Red' is not in bloom.
- Tiarella (Foamflower): These low-growing plants form a dense ground cover and produce delicate white or pink flowers.
When selecting companion plants, ensure they have similar light and moisture requirements to Helleborus 'Rome in Red' to create a thriving and harmonious garden.
Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for adding color to the shade garden in late winter and early spring. It is one of the earliest blooming perennials, providing color when few other plants are in bloom, This vigorous grower produces numerous large, single, maroon-red flowers that last for up to 6 weeks, It thrives in shade, making it a valuable addition to gardens with limited sunlight, The evergreen foliage provides year-round interest and can even provide winter interest, It is also deer and rabbit resistant. With its low-maintenance nature and striking beauty, Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is an excellent choice for any garden. If you are looking for a beautiful and low-maintenance plant to brighten your shade garden in late winter and early spring, Helleborus 'Rome in Red' is an excellent choice.
Other Details
The most important part of the plant is its root system. Healthy roots are the foundation of a healthy, vibrant plant. The type of plug container used is based on the specific needs of the plants. Perennials offered as bare root traditionally perform better when planted as bare root.Planted in a specialized mix, potted plants have well established root systems. Top growth stage will vary depending on the current life cycle and time of year when shipped. In Winter and early Spring dormant plants may be shipped. Dormant plants may be planted right away, even before the last frost date.
Most bare root varieties are field grown for at least one season, though Hemerocallis and Hosta are grown for two seasons. The bulk of the soil is removed during the harvesting process and the tops of most varieties are trimmed back to the crown. They are graded, packed in shredded aspen or sphagnum moss and stored in freezers until ready to be shipped.
See our Container Sizes and Bare Root Perennials pages for more information.
Plant information and care is provided in the Overview section, Plant Genus Page and general information is provided in the Planting Care & Guides. Additional questions can be asked on each Plant page.
Plant Spacing: Using the maximum mature spread or width of a plant to guide spacing, ensures space to grow to full size. To fill an area sooner, plant them closer together. Just remember, future thinning or transplanting may be needed.
Water: Keep a close eye on newly planted perennials, especially throughout the first growing year. Most early plant loss is due to too much or too little water!