This charming, low-growing perennial is a true gem for rock gardens, alpine troughs, crevice gardens, and other well-drained, sunny spots. Antennaria carpatica, also known as Carpathian Pussytoes, offers:
Antennaria carpatica is easy to grow in the right conditions. Here is how to get the best results:
Antennaria (an-ten-nay-ree-uh) Pussy-Toes, Everlasting, Composite Family; tough hardy perennials, mostly native to the US. They form low mats of small gray-green or whitish wooly leaves, sending up stems topped by clusters of tiny, soft, long-lasting flowers shaped somewhat like the toes of a cat.
Very hardy, Antennaria grows best in lean, gritty to rocky, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils, in full sun. Thriving in bright cool summers, hot and humid summers or consistently wet conditions can be problematic; good drainage is a must.
Tolerant of moderate foot traffic, Pussytoes' petite size makes it ideal for planting between stepping stones, in wall crevices, atop stone walls, or in other small spaces. Attributes: Border plants, Container, Drought Tolerant, Edging, Evergreen, Ground Cover, Mass Planting, Easy to grow, Deer resistant.