Planting Instructions:
Ongoing Care:
Enjoying Your Aruncus:
Pro-Tip: Consistent moisture is key to happy Aruncus plants! Mulching well and choosing a shady location will help retain soil moisture and ensure your Goat's Beard thrives.
By following these guidelines, you can successfully plant and enjoy the graceful beauty of Aruncus in your shade garden for many years to come!
Aruncus (ar-runk-us) Goat's Beard is a striking perennial, native to woods of North America, Europe, and Asia. Aruncus grows best in moist to wet, organically rich soils. In northern climates, it can be grown in full sun, if provided with adequate moisture. In southern zones, it prefers partial or full shade. No serious insect or disease problems. Some susceptibility to leaf spot.
Though Aruncus tends to be a slow-grower the first couple of seasons, once it is established it puts on a fabulous show year after year. Make sure it has plenty of room to grow when you plant it. This species is native to North America.
Goatsbeard is similar in appearance to Astilbe in the garden, but it is more drought tolerant. Attributes: border plants, cut flowers or foliage, edging and plant in mass. Deer resistant.