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  • Iris IRIS e. 'Pinkerton' (25) BR Plants Iris IRIS e. 'Pinkerton' (25) BR Plants

    Iris e. 'Pinkerton' (25) BR Plants

    IRIS ensata 'Pinkerton' (25) BR Plants Common Name: Japanese IrisA beautiful Japanese Iris with soft pink flowers. Pink crests arch above six bands of showy falls with dark veining and rippled...

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  • Iris IRIS p. 'Eye Liner' PPAF (25) BR Plants

    Iris p. 'Eye Liner' PPAF (25) BR Plants

    IRIS p. 'Eye Liner' PPAF (25) BR Plants Common Name: Pseudata IrisA robust and vigorous interspecific Iris sure to catch your eye when in bloom! Pearlescent flowers have yellow eye zones, edged with...

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  • Iris p. 'Shiryukyo' (25) BR Plants Iris p. 'Shiryukyo' (25) BR Plants

    Iris p. 'Shiryukyo' (25) BR Plants

    Iris pseudata 'Shiryukyo' ('Purple Dragon's Valley') (25) Bare Root PlantsCommon Name: Pseudata Iris This midseason to late season bloomer produces reddish purple standards with a deep purple marking...

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  • Iris IRIS pseudata 'Tsukiyono' (25) BR Plants Iris IRIS pseudata 'Tsukiyono' (25) BR Plants

    Iris p. 'Tsukiyono' (25) BR Plants

    IRIS pseudata 'Tsukiyono' (25) BR Plants Common Name: PseudataSoft lavender petals have a dark violet patter around the yellow signal, radiating to the petal edge. This is a midseason bloomer for...

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  • Iris pseudata Yarai 25 BR Plants Iris pseudata Yarai 25 BR Plants

    Iris p. 'Yarai' (25) BR Plants

    Iris pseudata 'Yarai' ('Night Thunder') (25) Bare Root PlantsCommon Name: Pseudata Iris One of the first pseudatas to bloom! This tall plant will bring height to your garden with a unique peach blend...

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  • Iris s Cape Cod Boys 25 BR Plants Iris s Cape Cod Boys 25 BR Plants

    Iris s. 'Cape Cod Boys' (25) BR Plants

    Iris sibirica 'Cape Cod Boys' (25) Bare Root PlantsCommon Name: Common Name: Siberian Iris Just like the famous shore community of Cape Cod, this Siberian Iris will make you think of beaches and the...

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  • Iris s Contrast in Styles 25 BR Plants Iris s Contrast in Styles 25 BR Plants

    Iris s. 'Jewelled Crown' (25) BR Plants

    Iris sibirica 'Jewelled Crown' (25) Bare Root PlantsCommon Name: Common Name: Siberian Iris This showy selection of Siberian Iris is perfectly named for its incredible contrasting color patterns. 3-5...

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