Planting Instructions (Container Plants or Divisions):
Ongoing Care:
Enjoying Your Chrysogonum virginianum:
Pro-Tip: Shade and well-drained soil are key to happy Chrysogonum virginianum. Avoid overwatering and over-fertilizing. Let it naturalize and spread gently for a beautiful, low-maintenance groundcover in shady areas.
By following these guidelines, you can successfully plant and enjoy the cheerful beauty and effortless nature of Chrysogonum virginianum in your garden for many years to come!
Chrysogonum (kriss-og-on-um) Composite Family (Compositae). Native to the eastern U.S., Chrysogonum is a low, spreading plant, with bright yellow flowers, blooming from early spring through July. It grows best in rich soil with plenty of humus, an ample supply of moisture and full sun or partial shade.
C. virginianum (vir-jin-ee-ay-num); Golden Star. Perennial, grows to 8 inches, with pointed, bright green leaves, 1 to 3 inches long. The charming yellow flowers, starlike because of their pointed petals, are borne singly in the leaf axils.