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Transform your indoor or outdoor space with the vibrant, lush greenery of Ficus pumila, the Creeping Fig. This versatile climbing vine is perfect for adding a touch of natural elegance to walls, fences, and ground areas. Its small, heart-shaped leaves create a dense, textured carpet, enhancing any environment.
Growing and Care:
Ficus (fye-kus) Fig Mulberry Family (Moraceae). F. pumila (pew-mil-uh) Creeping Fig. Creeping or climbing vine, clinging to walls with stem roots. Leaves are less than 1 inch long, except on the erect, branches, then they may reach to 4 inches long. Variegatta (vay-ree-eg-gay-tuh) has small, white-edged leaves.
A vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen vine, Ficus will climb and cover walls, posts, trellises and other structures by adhesive aerial rootlets.