Bring a burst of color to your garden with Gaillardia, commonly known as Blanket Flower. This hardy perennial is celebrated for its daisy-like blooms in fiery shades of red, orange, and yellow. Gaillardia's exceptional drought tolerance and long blooming season make it a perfect addition to any sunny garden.
Gaillardia Growing and Care:
The genus Gaillardia (gay-lard-ee-uh), a member of the Asteaceae (aster) family, includes annuals, biennials, and perennial varieties. Native plants are typically showy daisy-like flower heads of red, yellow or red/yellow bicolor rays with contrasting darker center disks (usually purplish). Cultivars now include double-flowered forms and shades of orange and maroon.
From early summer, butterflies may blanket the striking three-colored flowers which resemble the colors commonly found in Indian blankets. But, they get their name from how they use to blanket North America prairies with their blooms. This native cultivar can still be found in fields, prairies and into the Rockies.
Except for heavy clay, Gaillardia will grow in average to poor, well-drained soils; and tolerates dry soils and drought, once established. However, they will perform best in moist organic well-drained soils, but we recommend limited enrichment of the soil with compost or ingredients, Heat tolerant.
Attributes: Border plants, Container, Cut flower, Dried flower, Drought Tolerant, Mass Planting, Salt Tolerant. Great in rock gardens, it attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.