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Hosta Elle Plugs

New Elle Plugs are tiny hostas use to a sheltered greenhouse, with some TLC they will soon thrive in your care. These potting tips are based on our experience in Michigan, so you might need to adjust slightly depending on your climate.

Understanding Young Hostas:

  • Looks Can Be Deceiving: Do not worry if the colors and patterns do not quite match the pictures yet. True colors usually show after dormancy (a resting period in winter).
  • Patience is Key: Elle Plugs take longer than mature hostas.
  • Stress and Recovery: Young hostas might stop growing new leaves if stressed by heat, sun, or watering issues. This does not harm them, and they will often bounce back with new growth in 4-8 weeks.

When Your Plugs Arrive:

  • Pot Now or Later: You can either pot them right away or keep them in a shady spot (at least 50% shade) for a few weeks.
  • Moisture Matters: Check the plugs - dry ones need frequent watering until potting. Moist ones are ready for transplanting or storage. Remember, they prefer to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Leave the Paper Sleeve: It biodegrades naturally after potting and helps protect the roots during transplant, reducing stress and promoting even growth.

Transplanting Your Plugs

  • Easy Does It: Elle Plugs are simple to transplant by hand. Gently hold the crown and lift the plug out of the tray.
  • Paper Power: No need to remove the sleeve - it breaks down in the pot and aids transplanting.
  • The Right Soil: If potting use a well-draining potting mix with 40-60% bark (pieces up to five-eighths" inch). Since Elle Plugs take longer to grow, the soil needs to stay good for several months.
  • Planting Depth: Plant the Elle Plug so the top sits about ¼ inch below the rim of the pot.

Growing Happy Hostas:

  • Cooler is Better: They establish best in cooler temperatures. If transplanting in hot weather, provide extra shade (see "Shading" below).
  • Watering Wisely: Water them well right after transplanting and keep them moderately moist for the first week. After two weeks, when the roots reach the new soil, reduce watering as constantly wet soil hinders root growth.
  • Shade Strategies: Start with 50% shade (north) or up to 80% shade (south). If transplanting during hot weather (above 80°F), give them extra shade until established. Once the leaves form a canopy, shade can be reduced or removed as summer heat lessens. While this might make the leaves look a bit weathered, the extra sunlight helps build reserves in the crown for future growth.
  • Skip the Fungicide: If you follow good growing practices, fungicides should not be necessary.
  • Feeding Time: A steady diet of diluted balanced fertilizer (like 20-10-20) with 50 ppm nitrogen through the watering system should be enough. Alternatively, you can use a slow-release fertilizer mixed into the potting mix. Avoid high fertilizer rates, which can harm root growth and increase crown rot.
  • Winter Rest: In fall, the hostas will enter dormancy. The leaves will turn brown and lie flat. You can then remove these brown leaves by hand.

By following these tips, your young Elle Plugs will transform into beautiful, healthy hostas that will grace your garden for years to come!

If there are no plants listed, we may be sold out this season.