Special Considerations:
Ligularia (lig-yew-lay-ree-uh), golden ray, leopard plant; Asteraceae Family. Easily grown, tall perennials from Europe and Asia make fine foliage effects in a border. Although Ligularia are grown primarily for their interesting foliage, they have pretty sprays of small orange and yellow flowers in mid to late summer.
Ligularias are at their best when grown in cool, organically rich, medium to wet soils in part shade to full shade. Plants must have moist soils that never dry out to prevent wilting. Protection from the hot, afternoon sun in the south is essential. They are a natural for the pond side where there is a constant supply of moisture, though they do require good drainage. Ligularia might wilt during hot afternoons, with or without adequate moisture. Temporary wilting should not distress the plant. If plants do not recover by morning, water deeply as plant absorbs moisture primarily from the root tips.
Attributes: Border plants, Container, Cut flower or foliage, Specimen or focal point plant, Attracts butterflies, Deer resistant.