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Lysimachia (lye-sim-may-kee-uh) Loosestrife, Primulaceae Family. A large genus of perennials, most of which are too weedy to be useful in the cultivated garden. Ordinary garden soil, full sun and adequate moisture are all that is needed.
Lysimachia nummularia (num-yew-lay-ree-uh) moneywort, creeping jenny. Persistent, pervasive, low creeper, 1 to 2 inches tall with dark green, small round leaves. Abundant, small, bright yellow, cup-shaped flowers bloom during June and July. Sun or partial shade. Lysimachia nummularia aurea (aw-ree-uh) is a golden-leave form and the best choice as a ground cover. Fragrant flowers bloom June through August.