Malva, commonly known as Mallow, is a versatile and charming addition to the garden.
General Guidelines (Apply to most Malva)
Growing and Care
Pests and Diseases Malva is generally trouble-free, but watch out for:
Popular Malva Species and Varieties
Managing Self-Seeding Many Malva species are prolific self-seeders. This can be desirable for a naturalized look, but if you want to control their spread:
Malva (mal-vuh) Mallow, High Mallow; Malvaceae Family. Hardy annuals, biennials and perennials. All have flowers in the leaf axils, pink or white and alternate leaves. Malva syvestris (sil-vess-triss); 3 foot plant with 1 inch purple rose flowers, naturalized in North America. Malva is a short-lived perennial that is often grown as a biennial. Self-seeds in optimum growing conditions.