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Creeping Phlox, Moss Pink, Moss Phlox, Thrift or Carpet Phlox forms dense, 4 to 6 inches tall mats. Foliage is narrow, stiff, and needle-like in appearance.
Phlox subulata will grow best in organic, medium moisture, slightly alkaline, well-drained soil in full sun; however subulata grows well in gritty, sandy or gravely soils and tolerates hot, dry exposures better than most other phlox species. Good soil drainage is most important. Maximum flowering is achieved in full sun, but in southern zone summer's heat, plants welcome dappled afternoon sun. Plants will self-seed in optimum growing conditions. Shear plant height by half after flower season to maintain form, promote denser growth and encourage reblooming.
This popular little perennial is best utilized in rocky areas, woodland gardens, slopes, native plant gardens, naturalized areas, and in flower borders. Phlox subulata is native to somewhat dry, rocky or sandy places, open woodland areas and slopes from Michigan, Ontario and New York south to Tennessee and North Carolina, mainly in the Appalachians.