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Platycodon (plat-ik-koh-don) balloon flower, Campanulaceae Family. Platycodon is a showy perennial. Long lived and hardy, it needs plenty of water, full sun and a loose porous soil.
Platycodon grandiflorum (gran-di-floh-rum) grows 1.5 to 2.5 feet I height, with fine, blue, pink or white blooms that are 3 inches across when fully, plumply balloon-shaped before blooming in July and August. Shoots appear very late in spring; so it may be beneficial to mark clumps so they are not harmed by early cultivation.
Platycodon or Balloon Flowers are easy, trouble-free perennials that thrive average, medium, well-drained soil. They can easily adapt to grow in either full sun or part shade. B