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polemonium-touch-of-class-.jpgPolemonium (pol-em-moh-nee-um), Jacob’s Ladder; Polemoniaceae Family. Polemonium are easily grown, hardy, spring flowering perennials, mostly of North America. The flowers, usually blue, bloom in graceful clusters that resemble the common garden phlox. They last well when cut. A rich, porous, well-drained soil and light shade are needed.

Polemonium caeruleum (see-rew-lee-um) a mounding plant for the perennial border, with yellow-anthered blue florets, 1-inch across, in showy clusters. Flower stems 1 to 2 ½ foot high, bloom in May and June. Found wild in moist woods in this country. Polemonium caeruleum is on some states' preservation list.

Polemonium reptans (repp-tanz) low growing plant, blooming in April and May. Light blue flowers, ¾ inch across, in loose clusters, are on stems that are 5 to 8 inches high. Polemonium reptans is beautiful in the rock garden, in the crevices of rock steps, and as a ground cover in the bulb border with tulips and daffodils.

Easy to grow, in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils, Polemoniums prefer rich, humus, consistently moist soil with protection from afternoon sun. Foliage may scorch in too much sun. Deadhead to encourage late summer reblooming.

Attributes: Border plants, Cut flower or foliage, Mass plantings, and Specimen or focal point. Deer resistant.

Polemonium, commonly known as Jacob's ladder, is a genus of flowering plants that thrives in cool, temperate climates. With its delicate, ladder-like foliage and vibrant blossoms, Jacob's ladder is a beloved addition to gardens, bringing a touch of whimsy and color to any landscape. Let us delve into the world of Jacob's ladder and discover what makes this plant so special. This charming plant is also an excellent choice for naturalizing landscapes.

Varieties of Polemonium The genus Polemonium encompasses a diverse range of species, each with unique characteristics. Some noteworthy varieties include:

  • Polemonium caeruleum (Common Jacob's Ladder): This popular variety boasts bell-shaped blue flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer. It typically reaches heights of 12-30 inches with a spread of 12-24 inches and thrives in moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.
  • Polemonium reptans (Creeping Jacob's Ladder): Native to eastern North America, this species is known for its sprawling habit and light blue flowers that bloom from April to June. While it can be used as a ground cover, other species might be more suitable due to its potential legginess.
  • Polemonium himalayanum (Himalayan Jacob's Ladder): As its name suggests, this variety hails from the Himalayas and features larger, sky-blue flowers that bloom from late spring to midsummer. It prefers cool, moist soil in partial shade and can grow up to 3-4 feet tall.
  • Polemonium foliosissimum (Greek Jacob's Ladder): This variety stands out with its ferny, green foliage and clusters of white flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer.
  • Polemonium vanbruntiae (Appalachian Jacob's ladder): This species, named after Mrs. Cornelius Van Brunt, is native to the Appalachian Mountains. It closely resembles the European Polemonium caeruleum but has distinct characteristics that differentiate it in the wild.
  • Polemonium occidentale (Western Jacob's Ladder): This species is native to western North America and is commonly found in moist meadows and woodlands.

The common name "Jacob's ladder" comes from the Biblical story of Jacob's dream, where he saw a ladder ascending to heaven. The plant's ladder-like leaves are thought to resemble the rungs of this ladder.

Ideal Growing Conditions To ensure the successful cultivation of Polemonium, gardeners should provide the following conditions:

  • Light: While partial shade is optimal, Jacob's ladder tolerates a range of light conditions, from full sun to shade. In regions with hot summers, some afternoon shade is beneficial.
  • Soil: Jacob's ladder thrives in moist, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Loamy soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH is ideal. It also shows tolerance to black walnut juglone, making it a suitable choice for planting near black walnut trees.
  • Water: Consistent moisture is crucial for Jacob's ladder. While established plants exhibit some drought tolerance, it is best to avoid letting the soil dry out completely.
  • Other Considerations: Jacob's ladder is known for its deer resistance, making it a desirable choice for gardens frequented by these animals.

Planting Instructions Whether starting from seed or transplanting established plants, proper planting techniques are essential for healthy growth:

  • Timing: Spring or autumn is the optimal time for planting Polemonium outdoors.
  • Spacing: Space plants about 12-18 inches apart to allow for adequate growth and air circulation.
  • Soil Preparation: Amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or leaf mold, to improve drainage and fertility.
  • Watering: Water thoroughly after planting and keep the soil consistently moist.
  • Fertilization: A light application of a balanced fertilizer in early spring can promote healthy growth and flowering.
  • Seed Propagation: Fresh seed sown in June or July often germinates within 3 to 6 weeks. Seed that does not germinate in the first year will often sprout the following spring. Stored seed retains viability for at least 4 years.

Pests and Diseases While generally low-maintenance Polemonium can be susceptible to certain pests and diseases:

  • Leafminers: These insects can cause damage to the foliage. Control them by removing affected leaves or treating with neem oil.
  • Slugs: Slugs can be a nuisance, especially in damp environments. Employ methods like beer traps, crushed eggshells, or organic slug repellents to deter them.
  • Cats: Cats may be attracted to Jacob's ladder and can sometimes cause damage to the plants.
  • Powdery Mildew: This fungal disease can occur in humid conditions. Ensure proper air circulation and avoid overhead watering to prevent its development.
  • Leaf Spot: Another fungal disease, leaf spot can be managed by removing affected leaves and ensuring good drainage.
  • Yellowing and Curling Leaves: If you notice the leaves of your Jacob's ladder turning yellow and curling, it could be a sign of overwatering or fungal issues. Check the soil moisture and inspect the leaves for signs of disease.

Despite these potential challenges, Jacob's ladder is a rewarding plant to grow, especially when combined with suitable companions that enhance its beauty and create a thriving garden ecosystem.

Companion Plants Jacob's ladder pairs well with various plants that share similar growing conditions. Some suitable companions include:

  • Astilbe: These shade-loving perennials offer feathery plumes in a range of colors, complementing the delicate blooms of Polemonium.
  • Heuchera: Also known as coral bells, Heuchera provides attractive foliage in various colors and textures, creating a visually appealing contrast with Jacob's ladder.
  • Hosta: These shade-tolerant plants come in a wide array of sizes and leaf colors, making them versatile companions for Polemonium.
  • Ferns: The delicate fronds of ferns create a lush backdrop for the vibrant flowers of Jacob's ladder.
  • Columbine: With their unique, spurred flowers, columbines add a touch of elegance to woodland gardens alongside Polemonium.
  • Wild Ginger: This ground-covering plant with its heart-shaped leaves provides excellent ground cover and contrasts beautifully with the upright habit of some Jacob's ladder species.

Jacob's ladder is a valuable addition to pollinator gardens, attracting bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects with its nectar-rich blooms.

Polemonium, with its charming appearance and adaptability, is a valuable addition to any garden. By understanding its diverse varieties, ideal growing conditions, and potential challenges, gardeners can ensure the successful cultivation of this delightful plant. Jacob's ladder is relatively low-maintenance, deer-resistant, and attracts pollinators, making it an excellent choice for various garden settings. Whether gracing a woodland setting, adding a touch of whimsy to a border, or brightening a shady corner, Jacob's ladder is sure to delight with its delicate foliage and vibrant blooms. Remember to provide it with moist, well-drained soil, partial shade, and companion plants that complement its beauty, and you will be rewarded with a thriving display of this charming wildflower.

Polemonium (commonly known as Jacob's-ladder)


  • Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
  • Clade: Tracheophytes (Vascular plants)
  • Clade: Angiosperms (Flowering plants)
  • Clade: Eudicots (Dicotyledons)
  • Clade: Asterids
  • Order: Ericales
  • Family: Polemoniaceae (Phlox family)
  • Genus: Polemonium L.

Key Characteristics:

  • Habit: Primarily herbaceous perennials, though some species may be annuals.
  • Stem: Typically erect, ranging from decumbent to ascending.
  • Leaves: Usually alternate, pinnately compound, with leaflets arranged along a central stalk.
  • Flowers: Showy, often blue, purple, or white, with a five-lobed corolla (petals) and five sepals.
  • Inflorescence: Flowers are typically arranged in clusters, either terminal or axillary.
  • Fruit: A capsule containing numerous seeds.


  • Polemonium species are mainly found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
  • They are particularly diverse in North America, especially in the western United States.


  • Many species are adapted to mountainous or alpine habitats.
  • They are often found in meadows, woodlands, and along streams.
  • Pollinators include bees, butterflies, and other insects.


  • Some species are cultivated as ornamental garden plants, valued for their attractive flowers and foliage.
  • Certain species have been used in traditional medicine for various ailments.

Additional Notes:

  • The genus Polemonium comprises about 25-30 species.
  • The common name "Jacob's-ladder" refers to the ladder-like arrangement of the leaflets on the leaves.

Polemonium (Jacob's-ladder)


  • Overall, Habit: Generally herbaceous perennials, some annuals, or biennials. They typically grow in clumps or small mounds with erect to spreading stems.
  • Roots: Fibrous root system, often arising from a caudex (a thickened stem base) or rhizomes (underground stems).
  • Stems: Usually erect, but can be decumbent or ascending. They are generally herbaceous but can be somewhat woody at the base in some species. Stems can be simple or branched and are often glabrous (smooth) or pubescent (hairy).
  • Leaves:
    • Arrangement: Mostly alternate, sometimes opposite (especially in the lower part of the stem).
    • Type: Pinnately compound, meaning leaflets are arranged along a central axis like a feather.
    • Leaflets: Vary in number depending on the species (from 5 to 27), usually lanceolate to ovate in shape with entire margins (smooth edges) or slightly toothed. The leaflets give the plant its common name "Jacob's-ladder" due to their ladder-like arrangement.
    • Color: Typically green but can have a bluish or grayish tint in some species.
  • Flowers:
    • Inflorescence: Arranged in clusters called cymes or panicles, which can be terminal (at the end of the stem) or axillary (arising from the leaf axils).
    • Shape: Usually bell-shaped or funnel-shaped with five spreading lobes.
    • Color: Most commonly blue, purple, or white, but can also be pink or yellow in some species.
    • Sepals: Five sepals, often fused at the base to form a calyx tube.
    • Petals: Five petals, fused at the base to form a corolla tube.
    • Stamens: Five stamens, attached to the corolla tube.
    • Pistil: One pistil with a three-lobed stigma.
  • Fruit: A capsule, which is a dry fruit that splits open to release seeds. The capsules are usually ovoid or globose in shape.
  • Seeds: Numerous, small, and often have appendages that aid in dispersal.


While these morphological features are characteristic of the genus Polemonium, there is some variation among species. For example:

  • Plant height: Can range from a few inches to over three feet tall.
  • Leaf size and shape: Can vary significantly.
  • Flower color and size: Shows diversity across species.
  • Hairiness: Some species are glabrous, while others have varying degrees of pubescence.

Understanding the morphology of Polemonium helps with species identification and appreciation of the diversity within this attractive genus.

Jacob's ladder (Polemonium) is a charming and relatively easy-to-grow perennial that adds a touch of whimsy to gardens with its ladder-like foliage and beautiful flowers. Here is a guide to cultivating these lovely plants:


  • Timing: Plant in spring or fall.
  • Location: Choose a spot with partial shade, especially in hot climates. They can tolerate full sun in cooler regions.
  • Soil: Well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter is essential. Moist, humus-rich soil is ideal.
  • Spacing: Space plants about 12-18 inches apart to allow for adequate growth.


  • Watering: Water regularly, especially during dry periods. Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Mulching can help retain moisture.
  • Fertilizing: Fertilize lightly in spring with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Deadheading: Remove spent flower stalks to encourage repeat blooming and prevent self-seeding (if desired).
  • Pruning: Cut back plants after flowering to promote new growth and maintain a compact shape.
  • Dividing: Divide mature clumps every 3-4 years in spring or fall to maintain plant vigor.


  • Seeds: Sow seeds directly in the garden in fall or early spring.
  • Cuttings: Take softwood cuttings in spring.
  • Division: Divide established clumps in spring or fall.

Pests and Diseases

  • Generally, Polemonium is quite resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Potential problems include powdery mildew (especially in humid conditions) and root rot (if the soil is poorly drained).
  • Slugs and snails may occasionally feed on the foliage.

Specific Needs for Different Species

While the above guidelines apply to most Polemonium species, some may have specific requirements:

  • Variegated forms: These need more shade to prevent leaf scorch.
  • Taller species: May require staking to prevent flopping.


  • Polemonium is attractive to pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  • Cats may be attracted to the foliage, similar to catnip.
  • Consider planting Polemonium in borders, woodland gardens, rock gardens, or along pathways.

Popular Species and Cultivars

  • Polemonium caeruleum (Jacob's ladder): A classic species with blue flowers.
  • Polemonium reptans (Creeping Jacob's ladder): Spreading habit with blue or white flowers.
  • 'Stairway to Heaven': Variegated foliage with white and green leaves.
  • 'Brise d'Anjou': Variegated foliage with creamy white edges.

By following these cultivation guidelines, you can enjoy the beauty of Jacob's ladder in your garden for many years to come.

Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder) Calendar of Care

This calendar provides a general guideline for maintaining your Polemonium plants throughout the year. Remember to adjust timing based on your specific climate and the needs of individual species.

Early Spring (March - April)

  • Cleanup: Cut back any remaining stems from the previous season to make way for new growth.
  • Weeding: Remove any weeds that have emerged around the plants.
  • Fertilizing: Apply a light layer of compost or a balanced slow-release fertilizer (5-10-5 or 10-10-10) to provide nutrients for the growing season.
  • Dividing: If necessary, divide overcrowded clumps to improve vigor and increase your plant stock.

Late Spring (May - June)

  • Mulching: Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch (like shredded bark or leaf mold) to help retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  • Staking: If you have taller varieties, consider staking them to prevent flopping, especially as they begin to flower.
  • Deadheading: Remove faded flower stalks to encourage repeat blooming and prevent self-seeding, if desired. This also helps maintain a tidy appearance.

Summer (July - August)

  • Watering: Monitor soil moisture and water regularly, especially during hot, dry periods. Consistent moisture is important for healthy growth.
  • Pest and Disease Monitoring: Keep an eye out for any signs of pests (like slugs or snails) or diseases (like powdery mildew). Address any issues promptly.

Fall (September - October)

  • Cleanup: Remove any dead or diseased foliage to prevent overwintering pests or diseases.
  • Fall Division: If you prefer to divide in the fall, do so early enough to allow the divisions to establish before winter.
  • Winter Protection: In colder climates, apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants for added winter protection.

Winter (November - February)

  • Rest: Polemonium plants are generally dormant during the winter months.
  • Snow Cover: In areas with snowfall, the snow provides natural insulation. Avoid compacting the snow around the plants.

Important Notes:

  • Observe your plants: Pay close attention to your Polemonium plants throughout the year and adjust your care based on their specific needs and the prevailing weather conditions.
  • Microclimates: Be aware of microclimates in your garden. Areas that receive more sun or shade may require adjustments to watering and other care practices.
  • Species Variation: Remember that different Polemonium species may have slightly different requirements. Research the specific needs of the varieties you are growing.

This calendar serves as a flexible framework. By actively observing your plants and responding to their needs, you can ensure your Polemonium thrives and provides beauty in your garden year after year.

The genus Polemonium encompasses a delightful variety of species, each with its own unique charm. Here is a look at some of the notable ones and their cultivated variations:


  • Polemonium caeruleum (Jacob's ladder or Greek valerian):
    • A classic and widely cultivated species.
    • Features erect stems with blue, bell-shaped flowers.
    • Reaches heights of 1 to 3 feet.
    • Popular cultivars include 'Album' (white flowers), 'Blue Pearl' (deep blue flowers), and 'Bambino Blue' (compact with blue flowers).
  • Polemonium reptans (Creeping Jacob's ladder):
    • A spreading species with a more relaxed habit.
    • Produces lavender-blue or white flowers.
    • Typically grows 1 to 2 feet tall.
    • Well-suited for ground cover or woodland gardens.
    • Cultivars like 'Stairway to Heaven' boast variegated foliage with creamy-white and green leaves.
  • Polemonium pulcherrimum (Showy Jacob's ladder):
    • A smaller species, reaching 6 to 12 inches tall.
    • Native to western North America.
    • Produces blue, purple, or white flowers with yellow centers.
    • Ideal for rock gardens or alpine settings.
  • Polemonium boreale (Northern Jacob's ladder):
    • A low-growing, clump-forming species.
    • Native to arctic and subarctic regions.
    • Produces blue or purple flowers.
    • Cultivar 'Heavenly Habit' is a compact selection with deep blue flowers.
  • Polemonium viscosum (Sticky Jacob's ladder):
    • Found in high-altitude areas of western North America.
    • Has sticky, glandular hairs on its foliage.
    • Produces fragrant, blue, or purple flowers.


While not formal taxonomic groups, Polemonium species and cultivars are often categorized based on certain characteristics:

  • Height: Tall, medium, and dwarf varieties.
  • Flower color: Blue, purple, white, pink, and yellow shades.
  • Foliage: Variegated or solid green.
  • Growth habit: Upright, spreading, or clump-forming.

Varieties and Cultivars

In addition to the species mentioned above, numerous varieties and cultivars have been developed for garden use, offering a wide range of colors, sizes, and growth habits. Some popular ones include:

  • 'Brise d'Anjou': Variegated foliage with creamy-white margins.
  • 'Snow and Sapphires': Variegated foliage with white edges and blue flowers.
  • 'Purple Rain': Deep purple flowers with a contrasting yellow eye.
  • 'Golden Feathers': Yellow-green foliage with blue flowers.

This is not an exhaustive list, as breeders continue to introduce new and exciting Polemonium varieties. Exploring the options available at local nurseries or online can be a delightful way to discover the diversity within this captivating genus.

Polemonium, with its attractive foliage and beautiful blooms, can be a fantastic choice for mass plantings in the right settings. Here is a guide to using Polemonium effectively in mass plantings:

Choosing the Right Species and Cultivars

  • Consider height and spread: For impactful drifts, select species and cultivars that have a similar mature size and growth habit. Polemonium caeruleum and its cultivars are often good choices for taller plantings, while Polemonium reptans works well for lower, spreading masses.
  • Flower color: Choose colors that complement each other or create a striking contrast. Masses of blue and white can be very effective, as can drifts of varying shades of purple.
  • Foliage: Variegated cultivars like 'Stairway to Heaven' or 'Brise d'Anjou' can add extra visual interest to a mass planting, especially when combined with solid green forms.

Site Selection and Preparation

  • Light: Most Polemonium species prefer partial shade, especially in hotter climates. Ensure the planting site receives dappled sunlight or afternoon shade.
  • Soil: Well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter is crucial. Amend the soil with compost before planting to improve drainage and fertility.
  • Spacing: Space plants about 12-18 inches apart to allow for adequate growth and air circulation. This spacing can create a dense, unified look without overcrowding.

Planting and Care

  • Planting time: Spring or fall is the best time to plant Polemonium.
  • Watering: Water regularly, especially during the establishment period and dry spells. Consistent moisture is essential for healthy growth.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch to help retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and moderate soil temperature.
  • Deadheading: While not essential, deadheading can encourage repeat blooming and prevent excessive self-seeding, which can be a consideration in mass plantings.

Design Considerations

  • Location: Mass plantings of Polemonium are well-suited for woodland gardens, borders, meadows, or along pathways.
  • Combination planting: Combine Polemonium with other shade-loving perennials like ferns, hostas, astilbes, and bleeding hearts to create a tapestry of textures and colors.
  • Drift planting: Create a naturalistic look by planting Polemonium in drifts of varying sizes and shapes, mimicking how they might grow in the wild.

Benefits of Mass Planting Polemonium

  • Visual impact: Mass plantings create a bold and dramatic display of color and texture.
  • Pollinator attraction: Large swaths of Polemonium provide valuable resources for pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  • Weed suppression: Dense plantings can help to outcompete weeds.
  • Erosion control: Polemonium can help to stabilize soil on slopes and prevent erosion.

By carefully selecting species and cultivars and providing appropriate care, you can create stunning mass plantings of Polemonium that bring beauty and ecological value to your garden.

Polemonium FAQ

Here are some of the characteristics of Polemonium plants:

  • Leaves: The leaves of Polemonium are alternate, compound, and pinnately divided. This means that the leaves are made up of several smaller leaflets arranged on either side of a central stalk. The leaflets can be oblong, oval, or lance-shaped, and they typically have a pointed tip and a smooth edge. The number of leaflets on a leaf can vary depending on the species, but there are usually between 5 and 17 leaflets.
  • Flowers: The flowers of Polemonium are bell-shaped and come in a variety of colors, including blue, lavender, pink, purple, and white. They are borne in loose clusters on the flowering stem. Each flower has five rounded petals with five stamens and white anthers.
  • Habit: Polemonium plants are herbaceous perennials. This means that they die back to the ground each winter and then regrow from their roots the following spring. They are typically clump-forming plants, but some species can spread by rhizomes.
  • Habitat: Polemonium plants are native to temperate regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. They are typically found in moist, well-drained soils in woodlands, meadows, and streambanks.
  • Toxicity: It is important to note that Polemonium contains toxins that can be harmful if ingested in large quantities. Be sure to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets.

Here is how to plant your Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder):

Timing: The best time to plant Polemonium is in early spring or autumn. This gives the plant a chance to establish its roots before the hot summer or cold winter.


  • Light: Polemonium prefers shady locations with dappled sunlight. Avoid harsh afternoon sun.
  • Soil: Plant your Polemonium in well-drained, moist soil that is rich in organic matter. A neutral pH (between 6.2 and 7.0) is ideal. If your soil is poor, amend it with compost before planting.

Planting process:

  1. Water thoroughly: Before planting, water the area where you will be placing your Polemonium.
  2. Dig a hole: Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of your plant.
  3. Position the plant: Carefully remove the Polemonium from its pot and place it in the hole, ensuring it sits at the same depth it was in the container.
  4. Fill the hole: Backfill the hole with the excavated soil, gently firming it around the base of the plant.
  5. Water again: Water the newly planted Polemonium thoroughly to settle the soil and hydrate the roots.


  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the first few weeks after planting and during hot, dry periods.
  • Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  • Fertilizer: You can feed your Polemonium in early spring and again after the blooms fade with a balanced fertilizer, but it is not essential for established plants.
  • Deadheading: To encourage additional blooms, deadhead spent flowers by pinching them off at the base.

By following these steps, you can successfully plant and care for your Polemonium, allowing it to thrive and add its beautiful bell-shaped flowers to your shady garden.

There are around 37 species of Polemonium, but here are some of the popular varieties you can consider for your garden:

  • Polemonium caeruleum (Common Jacob's Ladder): This is the most common variety, with bell-shaped blue flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer. It grows 2-3 feet tall and prefers moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.
  • Polemonium himalayanum (Himalayan Jacob's Ladder): This variety has larger, sky-blue flowers than the common Jacob's Ladder and blooms from late spring to midsummer. It grows 3-4 feet tall and prefers cool, moist soil in partial shade.
  • Polemonium foliosissimum (Greek Jacob's Ladder): This variety has ferny, green foliage and clusters of white flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer. It grows 1-2 feet tall and prefers moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade.
  • Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven' (Jacob's Ladder): This is a compact variety with lavender-blue flowers that bloom from late spring to midsummer. It grows 1-2 feet tall and prefers moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.
  • Polemonium 'Pink Bells' (Jacob's Ladder): This variety, as the name suggests, bears soft pink flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer. It grows 18-24 inches tall and prefers moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.

These are just a few of the many varieties of Polemonium available. With their beautiful flowers and attractive foliage, they can be a valuable addition to any shade garden.

Polemonium, also known as Jacob's Ladder, is a relatively low-maintenance plant, but providing the right care will ensure it thrives and flourishes in your garden. Here is a breakdown of its key needs:


  • Prefers partial shade with dappled sunlight. Avoid harsh afternoon sun, especially in hot climates.
  • Too much direct sun can scorch the leaves.


  • Maintain consistently moist soil, especially during the first few weeks after planting and throughout hot, dry periods.
  • Avoid letting the soil dry out completely but ensure its well-drained to prevent root rot.


  • Thrives in rich, moist, and well-drained soil with a neutral pH (between 6.2 and 7.0).
  • If your soil is heavy clay, amend it with compost or other organic matter to improve drainage.


  • Not essential for established plants.
  • However, you can provide a boost in early spring and after flowering with a balanced fertilizer for optimal growth.


  • Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  • Organic mulch like shredded bark or wood chips is a good option.


  • To encourage continuous blooms throughout the season, deadhead spent flowers by pinching them off at the base. This will prevent seed production and signal the plant to produce more flowers.


  • Once flowering is finished, you can cut back the plant by about half to promote a tidier appearance and potentially encourage a second flush of blooms.

Additional Tips:

  • Polemonium is generally pest and disease resistant. However, in conditions with high humidity, powdery mildew can be a concern. Ensure good air circulation around the plant and avoid wetting the leaves directly when watering.
  • Be mindful that Polemonium is toxic if ingested in large quantities. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

By following these simple care tips, you can enjoy the beautiful bell-shaped flowers and attractive foliage of your Polemonium for many seasons to come.

Polemonium, also known as Jacob's Ladder, is a great pollinator plant! Here is why:

  • Attractive blooms: Polemonium boasts clusters of beautiful bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, lavender, pink, purple, and white. These colorful blooms are a magnet for pollinators.
  • Food source: The flowers offer both nectar and pollen, which are essential food sources for pollinators like butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and even some moths.
  • Early bloomer: Some Polemonium varieties bloom in early spring, providing a valuable food source for pollinators emerging from winter when other resources might be scarce.

Here are some specific pollinators attracted to Polemonium:

  • Bees: Honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees, and other bee species are drawn to the nectar and pollen of Polemonium flowers.
  • Butterflies: The colorful blooms and sweet nectar attract butterflies like swallowtails, skippers, and fritillaries.
  • Hummingbirds (in some regions): In areas where hummingbirds are present, they might visit Polemonium flowers for the nectar, especially if planted in a sunny location with some direct sun exposure.
  • Moths: Night-blooming Polemonium varieties or those in partially shaded areas may attract moths seeking nectar for their evening pollinating activities.

By planting Polemonium in your garden, you can not only enjoy its beauty but also contribute to a healthy ecosystem by supporting pollinator populations.

Polemonium is generally considered a pest and disease-resistant plant! However, there are a couple of potential issues to watch out for, especially in conditions that favor fungal growth.


  • Powdery mildew: This fungal disease thrives in cool, humid conditions and can cause white powdery patches to form on the leaves. It is more common with poor air circulation. Ensure good air flow around your plants and avoid wetting the leaves when watering. In severe cases, neem oil can be used as a fungicide.


  • Slugs and snails: These slimy creatures love to munch on leaves, and Polemonium can be a target. Handpicking, beer traps, or commercially available slug and snail bait can help control them.

Other potential issues:

  • Cats: While uncommon, young Polemonium plants can be attractive to cats due to a scent similar to catnip. Planting them in areas inaccessible to cats or using repellents might be necessary.
  • Groundhogs: In some regions, groundhogs might find the foliage of Polemonium appealing. Fencing or repellents may be needed to deter them.

By monitoring your Polemonium and taking preventative measures, you can minimize the risk of these issues and keep your Jacob's Ladder healthy and thriving.

Polemonium has some pros and cons for using in floral arrangements:


  • Beautiful flowers: Polemonium boasts clusters of bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, lavender, pink, purple, and white, which can add a unique touch to arrangements.
  • Long-lasting blooms: Depending on the variety and cutting conditions, Polemonium flowers can have a decent vase life, lasting up to 7 days with proper care.
  • Feathery foliage: The ferny, green foliage of Polemonium can add a textural element to bouquets.


  • Delicate stems: The stems of Polemonium can be on the weaker side, so they might require extra support in arrangements, especially for larger blooms.
  • Skunky odor: Some Polemonium varieties emit a skunk-like odor when crushed or handled. This might not be ideal for all arrangements, especially in enclosed spaces.

Here are some things to consider when deciding if Polemonium is right for your floral arrangement:

  • Variety selection: Opt for varieties with sturdier stems, like Polemonium caeruleum (Common Jacob's Ladder).
  • Flower condition: Choose flowers that are just beginning to open for the best vase life.
  • Conditioning: Cut the stems diagonally and place them in lukewarm water immediately after cutting. You can also try using a floral preservative to extend their vase life.
  • Ventilation: If using a variety with a skunky odor, ensure good ventilation in the room where the arrangement is displayed.

Alternatives to Polemonium:

  • Campanula (Bellflower): Similar bell-shaped flowers in various colors with sturdier stems.
  • Delphinium (Larkspur): Tall, elegant flower spikes with a wide range of colors.
  • Veronica (Speedwell): Upright spikes of small flowers in blue, pink, or white.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use Polemonium depends on your specific needs and preferences for your floral arrangement. If you choose to use it and take proper care of the cuttings, you can incorporate its unique beauty into your floral creations.

The invasiveness of Polemonium depends on the specific variety and the local environment. Here is a breakdown:

  • Generally not invasive: Most Polemonium varieties are not considered highly invasive in well-maintained gardens. They tend to be clump-forming and can be controlled with minimal effort.
  • Potentially invasive: However, some species, like Polemonium reptans (Creeping Jacob's Ladder), can be more aggressive spreaders, particularly in ideal conditions. They may spread by creeping rhizomes and potentially overwhelm other desirable plants.
  • Consider local factors: The invasiveness of Polemonium can also depend on your local climate and existing flora. In some regions, certain varieties might become more problematic if they find suitable conditions to spread easily.

Here are some tips to minimize the risk of Polemonium becoming invasive:

  • Choose non-creeping varieties: Opt for clump-forming varieties like Polemonium caeruleum (Common Jacob's Ladder) for better control.
  • Deadhead regularly: Removing spent flowers before they set seed helps prevent unwanted spread through seeds.
  • Maintain defined borders: Planting Polemonium in beds with edging or borders can help contain its spread.
  • Monitor and control: Regularly check your Polemonium and remove any unwanted growth that attempts to spread beyond designated areas.

If you are concerned about Polemonium being invasive in your area, it is always best to consult with your local gardening experts or native plant societies. They can provide specific recommendations based on your local conditions and advise on the most suitable non-invasive varieties for your garden.

There are actually two great times to propagate Polemonium, depending on your preferred method:

  • Division: Early Spring
  • Seeds: Early Spring or Fall

Here is a breakdown of each method and the ideal timing:


  • This is a vegetative propagation method where you physically divide an existing Polemonium plant to create new ones.
  • Early spring (just before new growth emerges) is the best time for division. The cool, moist soil conditions of early spring are ideal for root development in the newly separated plants.


  • Polemonium seeds can be sown directly outdoors in the garden or started indoors in pots.
  • You have two options for timing seed propagation:
    • Early Spring: Sowing seeds directly outdoors in early spring allows them to experience the natural freeze and thaw cycle, which can improve germination rates for some Polemonium varieties.
    • Fall: Alternatively, you can sow seeds in pots indoors in the fall and keep them in a cool location over winter. Then, transplant the seedlings outdoors in early spring once the risk of frost has passed.

Here are some additional factors to consider when propagating Polemonium:

  • Seed source: If you are collecting seeds from your own plants, wait until the seed pods turn brown and dry before harvesting them.
  • Seed stratification (for fall sowing): Some Polemonium varieties benefit from a period of cold stratification, which mimics the natural winter conditions. This can involve storing seeds in moist conditions in a refrigerator for several weeks before sowing. Check the specific requirements for the variety you are propagating.
  • Germination time: Polemonium seeds typically germinate within 2-4 weeks under optimal conditions.

By choosing the right propagation method and timing it appropriately, you can successfully increase your Polemonium stock and enjoy these beautiful flowering plants in your garden for years to come.

Here is a summary of the benefits of planting Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder) in your garden:

Visual Appeal:

  • Beautiful flowers: Polemonium boasts clusters of bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, lavender, pink, purple, and white, adding a touch of elegance and charm to your garden.
  • Attractive foliage: The ferny, green foliage provides a nice textural contrast and remains attractive throughout the season.

Wildlife Support:

  • Pollinator magnet: The colorful blooms and nectar-rich flowers attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and some moths, supporting vital pollinator populations in your garden.
  • Deer resistant: Deer typically avoid browsing on Polemonium, making it a good choice for areas with deer problems.

Easy to Care For:

  • Low maintenance: Polemonium is generally a low-maintenance plant, requiring minimal care to thrive.
  • Adaptable: It can tolerate partial shade and moist, well-drained soil, making it suitable for various garden settings.
  • Pest and disease resistant: Generally resistant to pests and diseases, minimizing the need for harsh chemicals.

Additional Benefits:

  • Long blooming season: Depending on the variety, Polemonium can bloom for several weeks in late spring or early summer, providing sustained color in your garden.
  • Easy propagation: You can propagate Polemonium through division or seeds, allowing you to increase your stock and share these plants with others.
  • Variety of options: With numerous varieties available, you can choose Polemonium with flower colors and heights that suit your specific design preferences.

Overall, Polemonium offers a combination of aesthetic beauty, ecological benefits, and ease of care, making it a valuable addition to many gardens.