Salvia (sal-vee-uh) Sage; Lamiaceae Family. A large genus, salvia is native to many areas of the world, in the temperate zone and the tropics. Included are annuals, biennials and perennials, as well as shrubs and the kitchen herb called sage, Salvia officinalis. Almost all have small flowers in showy spikes, and are square stemmed, as are all mints. Full sun, ample moisture and a fairly rich garden soil will get best results.
Salvia is easy to grow planted in average, dry to medium, well-drained soil. Though it is drought tolerant and adaptable to almost any climate, it will bloom better with regular moisture and fertile soil. Excellent as a border plant, in mass or containers, as cut flower or dried flower; fragrant flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer and rabbit resistant.