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Veronica, also known as speedwell, is a diverse and versatile genus of flowering plants that offers a wide array of options for gardeners. With its vibrant colors, long blooming season, and adaptability to various conditions, Veronica has become a favorite among gardening enthusiasts.

What Makes Veronica So Special? Veronica is a beloved plant among gardeners for several reasons:

  • Versatile: Veronica plants come in a wide range of sizes and forms, from low-growing ground covers to tall, upright varieties with flower spikes. This versatility makes them suitable for various garden designs and applications.
  • Long blooming season: Veronica provides continuous color throughout the summer months, with some species even blooming into fall.
  • Variety of colors and forms: Veronica offers an array of flower colors, including blue, purple, pink, and white, and growth habits, such as upright, creeping, and bushy.
  • Attractive to pollinators: Veronica flowers are a valuable food source for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
  • Low maintenance: Veronica requires minimal care once established.
  • Adaptable to various conditions: Veronica tolerates a range of soil types, pH levels, and light conditions.
  • Drought tolerant: Veronica withstands dry periods, making it suitable for water-wise gardening.
  • Ground cover: Creeping varieties effectively suppress weeds.
  • Erosion control: Veronica helps stabilize slopes and prevent soil erosion.
  • Cut flowers: Taller varieties can be used in fresh flower arrangements.
  • Resilient: Veronica thrives in a variety of conditions, including poor soil and dry climates.

Description and Details Veronica is the largest genus in the Plantaginaceae family, with about 500 species. The genus name Veronica honors Saint Veronica, who offered a handkerchief to Jesus to wipe his face on the way to Calvary. Some Veronica plants have markings that resemble the markings on the sacred handkerchief. The common name "speedwell" means "good-bye" and refers to how quickly the petals fall when the flower is picked. Historically, Veronica has been used in herbal medicines to treat various ailments.

  • Growth Habits Veronica plants typically grow in clumps, with some varieties exhibiting a mounding or spreading habit. Sizes and forms range from creeping groundcovers a few inches high to upright flower spikes reaching several feet tall. The taller varieties often have upright flower spikes, while groundcover types may have shorter spikes or a profusion of tiny individual flowers.
  • Leaf Shapes and Colors Veronica species exhibit a wide variety of leaf shapes and sizes, ranging from lanceolate and ovate to deeply lobed or divided. The leaves are typically arranged oppositely on the stems and come in various shades of green, sometimes with silver or bronze hues.
  • Flower Characteristics Veronica plants produce small, delicate flowers in spikes or racemes. The flowers come in a diverse range of colors, including blue, purple, pink, white, and yellow. Each flower has four petals and often features contrasting stamens and styles. The flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. The flower spikes of Veronica are a sight to behold, with their verticality and vibrant colors adding a dynamic element to any garden.

Popular Veronica Varieties With over 500 species, the Veronica genus offers a wide array of choices for gardeners. Here are some popular Veronica varieties:

  • Spiked Speedwell (Veronica spicata): This variety is known for its tall, spiky blooms in shades of blue, purple, pink, and white. It is a popular choice for borders and cut flower arrangements.
  • Thyme-leaf Speedwell (Veronica oltensis): This low-growing species forms a dense mat of foliage and produces small blue flowers in late spring or early summer. It is an excellent choice for rock gardens and ground cover.
  • American Brooklime (Veronica americana): This North American native thrives in wet areas and produces delicate blue flowers. It is a good choice for water gardens or boggy areas.
  • Long-leaved Speedwell (Veronica longifolia): This European native has tall, elegant flower spikes in shades of blue, purple, and white. It is a popular choice for borders and cut flower arrangements.
  • Creeping Speedwell (Veronica repens): This low-growing species forms a dense mat of foliage and produces small blue flowers. It is an excellent choice for ground cover and rock gardens.

Native Habitat Veronica is native to various parts of the world, with different species originating from different regions. Some notable examples include:

  • Veronica spicata: Native to northern Europe and Asia.
  • Veronica oltensis: Native to rocky slopes at high altitudes in the rugged mountains of Turkey.
  • Veronica americana: Native to North America, found in wet areas such as shores of rivers or lakes, swamps, and wetland margins.
  • Veronica longifolia: Native to Europe, typically found in rock outcrops or moist, rocky or gravelly soils near seas, lakes, and rivers.
  • Veronica serpyllifolia: Native to North America, found in roadsides, meadows, damp open woods, and lawns.

Landscaping Design Tips Veronica's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of landscaping applications. Here are some design tips for incorporating Veronica into your garden:

  • Groundcover: Use low-growing Veronica species as a ground cover in dry gardens, rock gardens, raised beds, or troughs. Veronica can also be used as an edging plant along walkways or borders.
  • Border plantings: Plant taller varieties of Veronica in borders, where their vertical flower spikes can add height and structure.
  • Companion plants: Combine Veronica with other cottage garden plants, such as salvia, coreopsis, and sedum.
  • Containers and hanging baskets: Veronica can be grown in containers and hanging baskets, especially the trailing varieties.
  • Mass plantings: Veronica creates a stunning visual impact when planted en masse.
  • Floral arrangements: Veronica is a popular choice for wedding arrangements and bouquets, adding a touch of elegance and grace.

Planting and Care


  • When to plant: Transplant Veronica during cooler months in spring or fall to avoid heat stress.
  • Where to plant: Choose a sunny site with rich, well-draining soil. Veronica can tolerate some shade but may produce fewer flowers. Veronica prefers well-drained, loamy soil with plenty of organic matter.
  • How to plant: Loosen the soil and mix in compost. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the container and place the plant in the hole so that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Press down on the soil to remove air pockets and water well.


  • Watering: Water young plants regularly until well-established. Once established, Veronica is drought-tolerant and needs little supplemental watering.
  • Fertilizing: Veronica is not a heavy feeder and does not require regular fertilization when planted in fertile soil.
  • Pruning: Deadhead spent blossoms to encourage rebloom. Cut back taller varieties after flowering to maintain their shape and prevent flopping.
  • Dividing: Divide Veronica every few years to reinvigorate the clump and produce more plants.

Veronica does best in areas with moderate humidity and is cold-hardy in USDA Zones 3–11. Once established, Veronica is a relatively carefree plant that requires minimal attention.

Other Insights for Gardeners

  • Pest and disease control: Veronica plants attract aphids and whiteflies. These can be controlled with a blast of water from a garden hose, insecticidal soap, or neem oil. Veronica is also susceptible to foliar diseases such as powdery mildew and leaf spot, which are best prevented by allowing for good air circulation.
  • Winter care: In areas with harsh winters, cut the plants back to 2 inches above the ground and add a covering of mulch to provide protection.
  • Propagation: Veronica can be propagated by division or seed. Division is the most common and easiest method.
  • Potential invasiveness: Some species of speedwell, such as Persian speedwell (V. persica), creeping speedwell (V. filiformis), corn speedwell (V. arvensis), germander speedwell (V. chamaedrys), and ivy-leaved speedwell (V. hederifolia), are considered weeds in lawns. It is important to choose varieties that are appropriate for your region and garden conditions to avoid unwanted spreading.

Veronica is a truly remarkable plant that deserves a place in every garden. With its stunning flower spikes, diverse colors, and adaptability to various conditions, Veronica offers something for every gardener. It is a low-maintenance plant that provides long-lasting blooms and attracts beneficial pollinators. By understanding the different varieties, planting requirements, and care tips, you can successfully cultivate and enjoy the splendor of Veronica in your own garden. Choose the right Veronica for your needs and create a vibrant and thriving garden with this versatile beautiful plant.